Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Indonesian Symbol on Armani Suit

Armani Exchange, an Italian Fashion Stylist, has launched their collections for this season. Nothing special about this news but, it became complicated when one of their collections had a logo of symbol of a country. It was the 'Garuda Pancasila' logo, the symbol of the Republic of Indonesia. Is it proper to use a symbol of a nations only for logo of a T-shirt?

This is the 'Garuda Pancasila'. The word 'Bhinneka Tunggal Ika' means 'We Are Different But We Have Same Vision'. Compare the picture with this followings:

It's so look-a-like, right? Click image to enlarge.

No details from the Armani about whether this was intentional or coincidence. You like? It's price was US$ 29, pretty cheap.

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